[-Thursday, January 01, 2009-]
Wads happening to our future generation?!?!?!?
Im back from Hokkaido on 31st of Dec 2008. ^^
It was truly a memorable trip of my 25 years of life on this mother Earth.
And she was kind to me too since tis was my 2nd overseas trip. Well, apparently, tis year was termed as a warm winter. Hence the opportunity of seeing snow fallin down from the sky is abt 10%? On our first day, we landed in Tokyo-Narita on the 24th of Dec which was not supposed to see any snow. We flew to Hokkaido on the 2nd day which we oni managed to see rain but there were actualli large amt of snow piled up along the sides and on the trees. (LOL??) However, on the 3rd day which was the start of our snow activities such as snow tube, snow mobile and snow shoe walk, snow started to fall!! That was the day when Japan experienced a snow storm and all planes had to be delayed for a day (back and to) which we being the lucky batch din got affected at all.
I managed to take some photos along the way using my hp which was uploaded in my frenster.
Here are 2 cute and interesting photos:

I like the Hentai guy so much but too bad it was not for sale at all =(
Truout the whole was fun and fulfilling except for a off ting. 1 japanese guy from Kobei actualli came to talk to me while im taking photo of 3 xmas trees. Luckily, my sis and cousin came to my rescue. I quickly said good bye and walked off to continue my photo taking spree. Yea, if a japanese ger was to talk to me instead... I guess u all would have know wad will be my rxn rite? LOL! Anyway, boss actualli told me to b careful of guys coming to talk to me b4 hand..
He said that to them i am "TASTY" ==" (WTF??)
Anyway, lets move on to the topic itself.
I actualli read my sis's blog after i went back to Sg.. (Fug tub man... the weather in Sg was so dammn hot...) Btw, i tink im de oni guy in the whole tour grp who was not scare of the cold in Hokkaido (in fact, it was realli very cold) and we experienced moderate snow storm while we were walkin to the top of a snow hill for our snow activities. Every time wen there was a strong wind, ppl will start to wobble left and right or even fell down. However, i can actualli walked up the hill easily. Another situation was we had to wear a snow shoe and walked 1 round ard a path. Everyone complained that it was a tiring sport after the walk but i din feel anyting at all. (LOL? Perhaps my nite sprint for the last few weeks really work miracles on me. Oh ya.. i managed to clock a silver timing for my 2.4km run for my reservice IPPT tis year. I had failed my 2.4km on the previous attempt. Now its time to aim for my gold timing once again.)
Ok back to my sis blog... To my horror.. i seriously cant believed nowadays "all" the youngsters are so shallow in their point of view.
How shallow are them? "Them" refers to my sis and some gers.
Basically, they blogged thing without thinking. My sis is still okay.. Jus that some of de ting i had to explain to her which im jus too lazy to do so. F3
Lets talked abt these "bunch" of gers instead. Notice i used "bunch" which i tink that im already kind enuff to use such a word to describe them.
So there was this guy, a lovable guy by all these so called "pretty", "rich", "vain", "jealous" and blah blah blahs gers. I am seriously interested to find out how gorgeges is he but it seems that he closed wadever blog he had. So this lovely guy steaded with this so called "ugly", "act cute", "twitish", "fat" and blah blah blah ger. All these terms are quoted from the bunch of gers' blog. Thats how they actualli described her in their blogs. SO they were actualli frustrated on why such a "handsome", "lovely", "wonderful", "gentle" and blah blah blah prince decided to stead with a "Pig" instead of them!! (Pig was oso quoted from them)
Wow wow wow, i mus realli say to this guy. Good job man... But oni if he was realli truly in love with the ger who was labelled as a "Pig" by others.
However, if tis guy is actualli tryin to test and show off to other guys that how crazy are these 4 gers in love with him. I can oni say... good luck man. Seriously, no guy will even care abt your accomplishments bah since those 4 gers actualli smoke, drink, club at an illegal age.
I am actaulli neutral for tis kind of ting since its none of my biz afterall. (Well, i hab to set an example myself rite since i always asks ppl to dun kpkb wen u duno the whole issue in my blog oso. LOL!!) But im not actualli tryin to come into their bgr issue, im more into their attitudes in their blog. They are being too shallow until all their blog materials can actualli be used as a tool against them in de real world.
This is known as cyber bullying.
Im not here to judge anyone as its seriously none of my biz which was also why no detailed info was given here.
Side track abit... Actualli i wanted to discuss more on bless's comment on my tag board but i am jus plain too lazy to update my blog ><"
1 Dec 08, 15:58
sphinxy: i wont judge anyone, but its best if you know what you find in your partner in the first placeIf i dun judge someone, she/he wun even get to noe that she/he had changed. Why bother to judge someone wen she/he had changed for the better? Why even bother to judge someone if she/he was not someone who matters to me?
Its realli sad to say that now wad i hope to find in my partner is quite rare or close to extinction. Tis sound bias. LOL!! But i duno leh its realli de truth wad unless u know your partner during your school days.
"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do." || 10:52 PM