[-Tuesday, September 25, 2007-]
Love.Marriage (from niu mei's blog)
A student asks a teacher,
"What is love?"
The teacher said,
"in order to answer your question,
go to the padifield and choose the biggest padi and come back.
But the rule is:
you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick."
The student went to the field,
go thru first row, he saw one big padi,
but hewonders....
may be there is a bigger one later.
Then he saw another bigger one...
but may be there is a even bigger one waiting for him.
Later, when he finished more than half of the padi field,
he start to realize that the padi is not as big as the previous one he saw,
he know he has missed the biggest one,
and heregretted !!!!
So, he ended up went back to the teacher with empty hand.
The teacher told him,
"...this is love... you keep looking for a better one,
but when later you realize,
you have already miss the person...."
"What is marriage then?" the student asked.
The teacher said, "in order to answer your question,
go to the corn field and choose the biggest corn and come back.
But the rule is:
you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick."
The student went to the corn field,
this time he is careful not to repeat the previous mistake,
when he reach the middle of the field,
he has picked one medium corn that he feel satisfy,
and come back to the teacher.
The teacher told him, "this time you bring back a corn....
you look for one that is just nice,
and you have faith and believe this is the best one you get....
this is marriage."
Did i miss it? I hope not =x
"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do." || 5:22 PM
Auctioning 1 hand shake from me at 1 million SGDs.. LoLx!!
Yesterday i got to shake hand with probably the most famous life science cancer researcher in the world, Professor Sir David Lane.
Profiles of him:
1) http://www.imcb.a-star.edu.sg/news_and_events/news_room/6000000397_article.html
2) http://www.imcb.a-star.edu.sg/news_and_events/news_room/6000000800_article.html
He's the one who had discovered p53 gene which is responsible in Cell Death pathway or Apoptosis. And ya.. He's also the few that made us memorise all those stupid gene names during our uni years. But out of all the genes, p53 is the most famous gene which if being supressed by mutation will eventually caused cancer.
p53 is also known as Tumour Supressor gene. It allows "spoilt" cells to undergo cell death in order to benefit the rest of the cells a.k.a sacrifice oneself for the better of the rest of the community. If p53 was to be supressed by mutation or not able to conduct cell death, "bad" cells will accumulate and forever growing to form tumour and evenually cancer.
Wan to know more? >> http://shallowtrix.blogspot.com/2007/01/wad-is-cancer.html
Anyway, back to business, i hereby auctioning a handshake from me "Professor Sir David Lane's hand shake" at 1 million.
Dun worry, i will not be bathing or washing hands for the next few months in order to preserve his finger prints on my palm. =x
Next, still rem the Ma Po De Hua Yu? Or u nid some help in recalling >> http://shallowtrix.blogspot.com/2007/04/ma-po-de-hua-yu.html
He's on the news!!

I give it a 30% chance that he may be famous in Taiwan. Its alot okay. =.=
"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do." || 8:15 AM
[-Friday, September 14, 2007-]
"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do." || 2:15 PM
This post is so funy !! LoLx!!
Link here > http://forums.playpark.net/showthread.php?t=136131
Chellez: Hi everyone you might not know me my IGN is ChellezMS.
I have a desire to bring justice to the world.
I dont know why i have this type of desire but ever since i was bullied by a group of older kids when i was small and then a older kid recused me and helped me i always wanted to help everyone.
I dont know if i can be of any help but if you need me you can always find me. My IGN is ChellezMS i play at the world Aquila.
blank_88: i wan to bring u to the mental hospital for check up.
Chellez: Well say whatever you like but this desire of mine i cnat helped it whenver i see someone need help i will always helped =X I wonder is it normal.
blank_88: but who will help u, u SERIOUSLY nid HELP NOW
"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do." || 8:53 AM
What tis guy had posted was so true !!
Link here > http://forums.playpark.net/showthread.php?t=135714
my sister plays maple till she became NO-LIFE,all she do is maple
this is a story about mapler, who from a person with a life,became a NO-LIFE>
For those people who donno what does "NO LIFE" means, here is a brief discription-
-they dont care bout life around them
-they dont care bout themselves*eg-their health,their weight,their attitude etc
-they dont care what is happening to them
-they only kow 1 thing-is to seize every opurtunity to plaY Maple,no matter what they,no matter where there are, they only want to play maple!! they will do watever it takes to play maple,even if it was ditching ur family,friends or anything,even lying their way through,so they could go around in maple story as a cyber BABE or some HANDSOME DUDE to go around saying "hihi " "hihi darling" hihi dave"
-they spend a whole lot of money and time investing on some stupid cash item,when i say lot,they spend more than RM600+++ juz on stuff that exist as CODE(eg 001010001010100101) in some guys server pc.
-they only care how they look in maple and not in real life
- they dont exercise or do any sosialicing as because they have as i said, NO LIFE, as they onli care for maple.they play maple like this, BEFROE SCHOOL,AFTER SCHOOL,NO LUNCH(eat infront of pc)NO DINNER(same),DONT SLEEP, and save money so tat they could spend more money
THis story starts with some god **** girl who intro my sis to play maple (Chloeangel01 =aquilia). before this my sister has A-LIFE. but after playing maple,she got engross.first she bought a rm24 to buy cloths,i accept tat as i once spended rm24 before in maple. after that,she play non stop,starting from 2-5hours a day,playing as some virtual babe.this is the start of no-life.
AFter breaking to a point of lv40,she then bought a total of rm250++ of maple item juz on some virtual codes(0110101011) and when i ask her why she do it, she goes :"cause my friend do it,and it look nice in maple"
i was like ***?! the same amount of money for 1 pair of shirt which last 1-3month can replace with a REAL LIFE SHIRT( yes,a real life shirt,if u r one of them ,this is a fact)you spend rm20 on a pair of shirt which last 3months,as you can spend rm30 in a cloths shop for 2 pairs. this was the point i was getting worried.
after that,she played a total of 4-5months. spending bout 400-500 already. being at lv50++,she stated tat leveling was too hard. and i though it was the end of it, BUT NO, some IDiot invented the 2X for 24hours sistem(if u r the idiot,U r MAKING PEOPLE SICK,makin parents wORRIED!) they would buy this 24X exp thingy and sit on their pc playing playin playing for 24 hours non stop,spending a total of rm7.50 each time(rm7.50 a set meal of kfc for each time u waste). and they dont care watever happens to them, they dont care bout toilet,cause they dont need to eat,they onli eat 1 MEAL a day when 24X exp,drink less than a bottle. and dont even move away from their seats cause "soMEone MIght TAkE my Spot" "after The MoNster KIll ME" "mayB when I mOVE aWay i lose the chance get a rare item " etc.
***??! i played on9 game bout 1-2hours and that is enough,i would rather kick football or badminton and socialist with real people rather than acting as someone else! why would i neglect my ownself and do not respect my ownself for who i am,and what iam, rather than palyin with people i donno! if u play dota or watever games,dont exceed 2hours
go out and do something fun,pick up a hobby like piano,violin,guitar,badminton,tennis,football,swimmin. because this things benefits in life,if u played this things,in 10 .20.30.50 .,70 years,you will still get full potentiol of this. is better than playing maple,spending rm1000+++ and when after 5years,the game will close down,and you will look back in time,and think,what have i done? im now 21,i suck at life,i suck at studies,ther is no more maple,i dont have a job,i don have friend cause maple has been my only friend(no more friend in real life) im overweight,i have sickness,i loss my family,i loss my friend,i loss everything. cause i waste 12-20hours aday playing maple.you could use the time and spend time with ur dad or mom. YOU CAN ALWAYS ASK THEM TO DO THIS THINGS WITH YOU(is better than maple and is call =BONDING)
--ask ur dad to bring u for bowling
---ask him to take ur for badminton
----ask him to play foootball with you
------play some games with him,no matter how stupid
_------go swimming with him
_--------everytime he wants to bring you somewher, GO,dont stay just to paly maple
-------------watch football with him,watch movies with him
---------------or watever his good at,ask him to teach u,he will be delighted to
BELIVE ME,UR FATHER WOULD GO THE EXTRA MILE JUZ TO DO THINGS WITH YOU,HE WOULD PAY RM100 juz for a court to spend time with you. if i was dad,yes,i would.
----bake cakes with her
---------ask her to teach u bout cookies
-----------paly sports as swimming etc
--------------coook dinner with her
------------------do chores with her (no,it is really fun if u do it nicely without a sour face)
------------------------go to the mall with her
etc etc etc
YES,ur mom will also do watever it takes juz to be with you. you gotta belive me.
now let me go on with my story,my sis then continue to 60++,playing with 2X exp as many times as possible,and when my parents are out,she will play 24straight. She would miss school and tell my dad a whole lot of excuse so when my dad is in work,she work then CONTINUE TO PLAY MORE. she would wake up as early as 3-4am juz to play maple on weekends,and when i wake up at 7am to play badmintons with my friends, she will be
---playing maple
-----eating CUP NOODLES
--------have not bath(during 24x exp,she doesnt bath the whole day)
----------dont even look around to see whose behind
thney will gain weight day by day due to neglect of life. wasting their time there,no matter how my parents scold her,no matter i tell her that maple is bad if overdose,no,she wont listen,she will say that her friends are waitng in there for her. this is like OMG, u never said that "my friends are waiting for me at the mall,or at the park,or at the school", IS "MY FRIENDS ARE WAITING FOR ME IN MAPLE"
WHEN i ask her to discripe to me wat this so-called friends are,she tells me that they are
---enginners studying in USM
-----studying masters at Overseas
-----------STudying at all kind of university with all kind of diploma and degree!
------------Working as a manager
------------------manger of somekind of bank
i was like WOW,this people who studied so hard to get 11-13As in spm,and has entered University,would have time to play 12-20hours with my sis, paying on 24x exp,at are not studying or revising for their university??? and they have the time to reach lv 100-160 and become guild leader? wow,a perfect student.
CRAP!! this are no life people who are uselesss in life, UGLY ,FAT, JOBLESS, cheating their way as a person they are not! do not belive this people as they are usless! they only tell lie so they could get attention which they dont get in life. U think im lying? u think im crazy? no,im not. i've seen people who are at their late 30-40,playing maple story as some babe wearing full cash item at lv 150++, and at his chat box,was making sweet talks with boys and saying that they are 15-16 years old and are worried for their exams. ***!
I have a breakDOwn there,i read before in articles bout this peoples,and i never personaly though they exist in malaysia,but there are **** many in mlaysia,yES!! In MAPLESTORY!
SO LET ME go on with the story,by lv 65++ she spended a total of 650+++
and guess wat??
---------SHE GOTTEN HACKED---------------
WOw! yea,thats the end of maple,i think she got a sistem breakdown there,all the TIME she could do other things.all the money she can use for other stuff, all the minutes,HOURS,DAYS,MONTHS can use for other things.
so thats the end of the story.......AS IF!!!!
SHe they started another caracther and bought another 100++ of acash,at lv 10,she use 2X exp again and played non stop for 24hours, to reach lv34? insane? ya. after that,she keep on playing everyday,for as minimum of 5hours of day if having the chance, and spending money non stop. my pc table is full of her A-cash. when my parents ask her wat is it,she say bought it for her friends. ARe u ALso Lying to ur parents?? DONT FAKE!!!!! IF THEY KNOW U ARE SPENDING SO MUCH MONEY ON STUFF THAT DOESNT EXIST,THEY WOULD GO INSANE.
IF U WERE A PARENT, anD UR SON/DAUGHTER SPENDED A TOTAL OF RM1000++ on some game,will u go insane??? YES, because they dont understand the value of money!!!!!!
now i go on with my story somemore,at lv30++ my sis made a promise that she wont buy any more cash. i belive her.
1week was the amount of time for her to break her promise.
She went to POPULAR and bought rm120 of A-cash,and told me was for her friend,and she use it for herself.
now at lv 70++,she spended a total of 900-1000+++ of REAL MONEY on MAPLE!!!
FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO SPENDED MORE,let me show u something
600-a nintendo DS lite
700-SOny walkman phones, a PS2
800-a PSP
900- your own electric guitar (i use my money to buy this)
1000-a handmade violin and this ( dont say im rich,no,is because i didnt spended on maple)
1200-a sony phone with nice camera, cool mountain bike
1300-a nintendo Wii
1500-a high megapixel camera
1800- a xbox360
2000-ur own personal laptop,YES A LAPTOP ,a custom electric guitar
2500-your own piano,second hand motorcycle
3000-a ps3
4000-new bike
so? regrets?? you could own 1 of this.
you are only doing the same thing the whole day.
Wasting time on stuff that doesnt matter on ur future.
IT STRESSES UR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
playing for this grueling hours are bad for ur
-UR physical look
etc etc
so,this is my closing comment,my sis increase a dramatic 20kg++ on maple in 1 year and is now overweight. THANK YOU MAPLE FOR ALL OF UR HELP AND SUPPORT. and ya, ChloeAngel01, YOU SUCK. GO GET A LIFE,donT DESTROY OTHER PEOPLES LIFE, MY SIS ONCE HAD A LIFE, BUT THANKS TO YOU,well ,you Made A PERFECT DUPLICATION OF URSELF. and dont lie,u spended more than 2000++ of money.
SO to all those mapler,please,for the sake of urself,dont overplay maple,is better than quit and say NO TO ADDICTION.
And dont think,i already played so long,how can i quit,IS NEVER TOO LATE TO QUIT. belive me,the longer u play,the harder u quit.
so belive me,all stated above are true and are NOT made-up.
Symptons that you mayb a victim of no-life
_-----spending a total of rm500+++
------playing more than 4 hours on maple
-----------forget bout everything and only think bout wat u r going to do next in maple
---------first thing u do in opun switching on ur pc,MAPLE
--------------forget to exercise or play sports
--------------------dont care bout food when playing
-------------dont think of going toilet when playing maple
Etc etc etc etc
**remember tat ur parents will always love you and do not for 1 sec,think they hate you. the only reason making you think that they hate you cause u are playing MAPLESTORY.now SHUT DOWN UR PC AND GO ASK UR DAD WAT HE WANS TO PLAY AND DO.
****and to GM,please do not delete this pOST AS IM TRYING TO HELP PEOPLE. please have some consious for people. and i know that u already know about all of this except that u donot want to say anything bout it.
******and all player in aquilia
------if u see Chloeangel01,say tat she ********
or her noob caracther clovergalz or watever it calls.
THank you for readin this post.
AND YES,my sis still playing and wasting money on maple.
And i juz shout and smash my mouse,keyboard,and keyboard holder+some things on my pc table cause she would not leave the pc table after 24 hours of play.
Violent? yes? is it a must?
If i need to do tat,yes,to stop her from playing.
**Keyboard unfunctional now.cant even type. using virtual keyboard to type.mouse less sensitive.gotta buy new ones)
Seriously, i must admit that this game really hurts u tt lot if u become addicted to it.
So play this game at your own risk.
"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do." || 8:47 AM
[-Thursday, September 06, 2007-]
How the hell are u able to get a SAR21 rifle with ammo out of an army camp?
Recent news, a full time National Serviceman (21 years old) managed to "smuggle" out a SAR21 rifle along with some ammos from Mandai camp which were issued to him for guard duty on Sunday.
This gives me an idea of how slack are the guard duties being done in that camp. How the hell are u able to let 1 guard personnel get out from camp? Seriously, i cant find a clue on that...
A coporal will not able to guard the main gates and only the guard commander and 2nd guard commander will have the keys for the main gates. So u tell me how is it possible for a coporal to went out of camp? Maybe climb out? Wow.. Den he must be super fit to be able to climb out from a high gate using brute force from hands with no support along with a rifle!! But the main issue is how will he able to do that? All guard personnels are supposed to patrol in a buddy-buddy system.
Furthermore he went missing at 11.59pm night. Wow... the slackness even started before midnight. I wonder is there any guards actually patrolling around the camp from morning till 11.59pm.
Now im actually interested to know whether the coporal disappeared while he was supposed to patrol around the camp or he disappeared after he had already came back from his patrolling. Both scenarios actually show how "seriously" are guard duties being taken in Mandai camp. Yea, i use "seriously"..
1st scenario:
Coporal disappeared while he was patrolling around the camp. As i had said, 2 guards are supposed to patrol together and communicate with the guard commander in the guard room via a walkie talkie. So even if anything happen, the other guard was still able to inform the guard commander either by walkie talkie or rush back to the guard room. So how the hell is the coporal able to went missing till 11.59pm?? I give Mandai camp the benefit of doubt of when did the coporal actually start to disappear. But still, how was he able to disappear even with a buddy with him? Or is he a magician?
2nd scenario:
Coporal disappeared after he had already came back from his patrolling. Now this is the worst scenario. After the guards came back from their patrol, the guard commander was supposed to ask them to sign in rifle and ammos and returned them to the guard commander. Den guard commander had to lock the rifle and ammos in a separate racks. Also, the guards had to sign in to state that they had finished their round of duty and had returned to the guard room. So how was the coporal able to disappear with the rifle and ammos?
The only way he was able to do that was when the guard commander actually slack and was not around in the guard room to guard the key rack, rife rack and ammo box. But still, there racks are all supposed to be locked and the keys safe kept by the guard commander!! How the hell was he able to get these 3 keys??
Several possiblilities:
1. Guard commander actually slack and leave all 3 racks opened at all times since it was a Sunday. No RSM will actually be in camp to do checks on him.
2. Guard commander actually accidentally left all keys on the table while he went away so that the guards can own time own target go unlock the racks to take out what they wanted.
3. Guard commander actually issued to all the guards their rifle and ammos at the start till the end of the guard duty which was not supposed to. All rifles and ammos are only supposed to be issued only when it was their turn to do the patrolling and after their round was over, they were supposed to return the rifles and ammos back to the guard commander.
The investigations are still in progress and will be out next week. Im very interested to see what's their explaination for that.
"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do." || 8:14 AM
[-Wednesday, September 05, 2007-]
My Page solo Papa Pixie
Last night my page managed to solo Papa Pixie with a lvl 70 chief dit and a prz. 6 members in de party 1 dced, 2 died.Tou i hab to eat 5 ice cream pops in order to survive, i managed to get a lvl 70 earrings from the bonus.
"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do." || 8:04 AM
[-Tuesday, September 04, 2007-]
TheNapoleon Level 53 White Knight 1st Orbis Party Quest

"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do." || 8:06 AM
[-Monday, September 03, 2007-]
BioForum Discussion
Found this interesting website on the various protocols used for lab works. This thread amused me as they actually commented that Qiagen products are not "that good" as compared to others.
We are actually using Qiagen Kits for our PCR rxns. Dang!!
Last night i played my first ever full Orbis Party Quest which was really enjoying. Our party was pro with a level 69 dit and lvl 70 c.dit and a ranger. I was pro too cos im able to hit papa oso!! LoLx!! Quite stunned that i was able to hit it without even a miss. But quite a few damages was 1 and highest was 800+ damage. U may be tinking so what. But considering my dex is 4 and im actually a luck page which my luck is capped at 57. This is someting to be reckon with. We reached bonus 2x and the rewards were craps. I got 10 power ex and 50 mana ex. =.=
Pics will be uploaded later.
"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do." || 8:28 AM