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"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do."

[-Thursday, September 06, 2007-]

How the hell are u able to get a SAR21 rifle with ammo out of an army camp?

Recent news, a full time National Serviceman (21 years old) managed to "smuggle" out a SAR21 rifle along with some ammos from Mandai camp which were issued to him for guard duty on Sunday.

This gives me an idea of how slack are the guard duties being done in that camp. How the hell are u able to let 1 guard personnel get out from camp? Seriously, i cant find a clue on that...

A coporal will not able to guard the main gates and only the guard commander and 2nd guard commander will have the keys for the main gates. So u tell me how is it possible for a coporal to went out of camp? Maybe climb out? Wow.. Den he must be super fit to be able to climb out from a high gate using brute force from hands with no support along with a rifle!! But the main issue is how will he able to do that? All guard personnels are supposed to patrol in a buddy-buddy system.

Furthermore he went missing at 11.59pm night. Wow... the slackness even started before midnight. I wonder is there any guards actually patrolling around the camp from morning till 11.59pm.

Now im actually interested to know whether the coporal disappeared while he was supposed to patrol around the camp or he disappeared after he had already came back from his patrolling. Both scenarios actually show how "seriously" are guard duties being taken in Mandai camp. Yea, i use "seriously"..

1st scenario:
Coporal disappeared while he was patrolling around the camp. As i had said, 2 guards are supposed to patrol together and communicate with the guard commander in the guard room via a walkie talkie. So even if anything happen, the other guard was still able to inform the guard commander either by walkie talkie or rush back to the guard room. So how the hell is the coporal able to went missing till 11.59pm?? I give Mandai camp the benefit of doubt of when did the coporal actually start to disappear. But still, how was he able to disappear even with a buddy with him? Or is he a magician?

2nd scenario:
Coporal disappeared after he had already came back from his patrolling. Now this is the worst scenario. After the guards came back from their patrol, the guard commander was supposed to ask them to sign in rifle and ammos and returned them to the guard commander. Den guard commander had to lock the rifle and ammos in a separate racks. Also, the guards had to sign in to state that they had finished their round of duty and had returned to the guard room. So how was the coporal able to disappear with the rifle and ammos?

The only way he was able to do that was when the guard commander actually slack and was not around in the guard room to guard the key rack, rife rack and ammo box. But still, there racks are all supposed to be locked and the keys safe kept by the guard commander!! How the hell was he able to get these 3 keys??

Several possiblilities:

1. Guard commander actually slack and leave all 3 racks opened at all times since it was a Sunday. No RSM will actually be in camp to do checks on him.

2. Guard commander actually accidentally left all keys on the table while he went away so that the guards can own time own target go unlock the racks to take out what they wanted.

3. Guard commander actually issued to all the guards their rifle and ammos at the start till the end of the guard duty which was not supposed to. All rifles and ammos are only supposed to be issued only when it was their turn to do the patrolling and after their round was over, they were supposed to return the rifles and ammos back to the guard commander.

The investigations are still in progress and will be out next week. Im very interested to see what's their explaination for that.

"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do." || 8:14 AM

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