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"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do."

[-Thursday, August 07, 2008-]

Wads your Priorities?

Before i start the actual topic, jus a reminder that CHIK virus is on the loose. Pls take care and ensure there is no place for breeding of mosquitoes.
Our lab's CHIK-DEN detection kit was used by TTSH to detect CHIK or DEN virus from the patients. Unfortunately, we were unable to disclose this information earlier as more time was needed to verify the results and also due to the information being classified as confidential. Anyway, MOH had been notified of this outbreak and reports are out in the news to warn the public today.

Next, i shall carry on with my topic.

Last night, my dar, her maple kor and me had a very interesting subject. It all started with my dar asking me.

Cas: Rank this: Maple, Parents, Gf, Work, Friends

Me: Parents, Work, Gf, Maple, Friends

Her maple kor: Parents = Wife, Work, Maple, Friends

After seeing this "Parents = Wife", i am very curious. How to make 2 different things to be of the same priority?

Me: How is that possible?

Her maple kor: To me, my wife and my parents are always on my top priority.

Me: Okay.. Let me give a scenario. If your wife and mom are drowning on different ends and yo can only save 1. Who will you save?

Her maple kor joked and replied: I will watch them die as i cannot swim.

Me: *faint* Im trying to find out which has higher priority to him.

Me: Okay.. Let me amend my question. If your wife and mom are drowning on different ends and you have 1 lifeguard and he can only save 1. Who will you ask the life guard to save? Please choose 1 only..

Her maple kor: Cannot la.. Life is not like that. Cannot choose only A or B. There is other way.

Me (thinking): So in another words, i duno how to answer this question. Basically, he walked 1 big round and tell me "i duno".

Me: Okay, let's say if this really happened. Who will you save? Please choose one only. There is no right or wrong answer.

Her maple kor: I will ask the life guard save my mom.

Me (thinking): Finally, an answer!!

Her male kor continued: And, i will drown with my wife. Cause my mom will know me that i cannot live without my wife. I rather die with her.

Me: ZzzzZzzz (drama hor?) I was just expecting an answer. There is no need for u to tell me your reason. Did i state a "please explain your answer" in my question? Now by giving me your explaination, i was even more ZzzzZzzz..

Me: Erm.. okay.

Her maple kor: But life is not like that. Cannot choose A or B only.

Me: (thinking: tell that to those who trapped in the Si Chuan Earthquake) Okay.. So if u encountered this problem you will tell that to your god?

Her maple kor: Hmm.. aiya. I ask the lifeguard save my mother. Then my wife can swim. Ok liao! (Happy Ending)

Me: Nice 1.. (sacastic)

Did you realised some trends of the way he answer? He likes to change his answer. Den will explain blah blah blah to make his answer sound vague. Why? Bcos he is not very sure of wad he wants. His stand keeps changing.

First: Let both die.

Second: Save mother. He died with his wife.

Third: Save mother. His wife knows how to swim.

From his above 3 answers, conclusion is his parents > wife. Even tou how hard he is trying to give a model answer tat makes sure parents = wife, he still failed badly at that.

Its jus a simple question. Only 1 word is needed for me. Wife or Mother? No need explaination and i wun ask u why. Cos there is no right or wrong answer in the first place. Its only wen u start changing your answers and tried to explain why (to make it worst, failed to even explain clearly) makes ppl feel that you dun actually noe what is your stand. And you need people to deduce it for you.

"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do." || 8:16 AM

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[-about me-]

Name : --terry--
Age : --23--
From : --singapore--
Job : --student--


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