[-Wednesday, May 30, 2007-]
Organising HvnKnights2 Guild's 1st GUILD QUEST on 1 and 2 of June 2007
This will be our first attempt in doing this GUILD QUEST.
Hopefully there will be 2 parties available on either 01/06/07 (Friday) or 02/06/07 (Saturday).
Who are needed?
1) Thief with max haste and with at least level 10 Darksight
2) Mage with at least level 15 teleport
3) A level 30 and below character
4) Someone who knows how to play mastermind
5) Someone who is a pro jumper
6) Chief Dit with max meso explosion
So far, we managed to achieve the first 5 criterias which will allow us to reach the last stage. But we may not be able to complete the last stage without meso explosion. So i recommend those who want to do this QUEST to level up b4 comming to this QUEST. Everytime you got killed in this QUEST, 1% experience will be deducted.
Take Note: This QUEST do not give you experience. It only gives you GUILD POINTS. This QUEST is either to strengthen the bonds between guild mates or cause internal guild problems. So you decide which results you want.
For those who want to know more info on GUILD QUEST, pls refer to these links:
1) http://forums.playpark.net/showthread.php?t=6663
2) http://forums.playpark.net/showthread.php?t=908
3) http://forums.playpark.net/showthread.php?t=233
If you are unsure what you have to do during the GUILD QUEST, please WATCH and LEARN. I will explain to you what is it all about later when it is not that "chaotic".
I know how you feel when you don't know what to do and where to go. Just relax and try to see how the experienced guild members do their stuffs. And yeah, you may be giving suggestions at some point of time but don't be sad if we never use your suggestion as we have to follow certain order to complete the stage. For those who played PQ in kernning's 4th stage and ludi's 8th stage, that's what im talking about.
1st of June GUILD QUEST (Friday) Time: noon (12-3pm)
Location: Perion Channel 14
1st Party (Attackers + level 30 character):
1)GlMlbKiTe (not confirmed may be using level 2x bowman if there is no level 30)
4)Idiot4Eva (pro jumper)
2nd Party (Non-Attackers):
2nd of June GUILD QUEST (Saturday) Time: night (9-11pm)
Location: Perion Channel 14
1st Party (Attackers + level 30 character):
1)Shallowtrix (ranger)
2)Idiot4eva (hermit)
3)PrincessPing (ice)
4)Shineblue (ice)
5)Snowcyber (lvl 30 character)
6)Untaker (cleric)
2nd Party (Non-Attackers):
1)55heha66 (fire mage)
2)Almond (lvl 30 cleric)
3)Bianko (lvl 101 prz)
To participate, pls leave your in-game-name and which date you can play in the GUILD QUEST in my TagBoard on the bottom right or tell me in-game.
The party list is not confirmed and will be revised b4 the GUILD QUEST start on Friday at around 12-3pm.
"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do." || 10:54 AM