[-Thursday, March 08, 2007-]
Is tis guy hacking?
See for yourself >> http://bowmanvideos.blogspot.com/
This xbow man managed to solo Pianus all by himself and only his mp bar is moving whereas most of the time wen he got hit, the hp bar failed to move even a tiny bit. His hp can only b max 4999 since the starting digit from the movie is "4" and the remaining 3 digits are not that clear.

Still not convinced? I show showed in a series of time. You can see that the hp bar din even move a single bit even tou the damage he suffered was 4021/4999.

Anyone can explain this? Mayb xbow master has a 4th job skill which allow their hp to stay the same even wen they got hit which even a 152 bow master dun even have?
Anyway, if u observed carefully, there are a few times where his hp actually do decreased but the number of skill buffs at the top right hand corner is still the same as the time when he got hit and his hp never decreased.
Or maybe this guy press pot until so fast that you cant even see the hp decreasing and increasing at the same time. WOW~~~
If you take a look at the 2nd and 3rd movie, they are actually from the same xbow guy. One which he was soloing a Clock boss, the damage is only 1k+ and yet we can see clearly that the hp was decreasing and increaasing all the time.
So whats the reason? My only thought is "He is hacking".
So kool my head ar..
Next i saw the lvl 152 bowmaster video training in Gobis. I can only say that level 152 bowmaster training there will have to spam alot of pots. If laggy.. lucky best, u will hear a "DIU". Totally inefficient in training. Whereas it turned out that xbowmaster can train alot better there with their charging combo attack. Does not even suffer any damage at all.
Y? Damage is higher for Eruption, Charge combo compared to Arrow Rain. Aother reason is the freezing effect of the duno wad skill. Totally owned ranger even tou ranger's attack speed is faster. Owned by xbow nvm.. Somemore sure ksed till siao by mage, hermit and DK. U may say can ks crusader and white knight? Ya.. try ksing them in Pianus or even high level mobs, i tink i will hear the "DIU" first.
The only time u can say bowmaster owned is wen u finished adding most of your 4th job skills. So wad? U are still owned by those jobs around your levels. Say nice is got +36WA, but actually is only +10WA cos the +26WA need 6 mins of cooling time. 6 mins of cooling time enough to make you tio ksed till sian liao. =="
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