[-Wednesday, February 07, 2007-]

Today in molecular basics of human disease lecture so funny. Cos yesterday, Ryan told mi theres a chiobu in our lecture class. Btw, our lecture class oni have 35 ppl =.=
Duno how to score maybe will fail badly since grade is based on bell-shape curve.
So R asked mi whether that girl in pink sweater is chio anot. I turned and looked.
1st impression: Wah.. Her side view looked very chio!!
Take another peep again..
2nd impression: Wah.. She wears the pink sweater so chio loh!!
But i cant see the head view. So end of story for yesterday.
Den today, R reminded mi of that ger again. Den we get ready in lecture hopefully can see the head view of the girl wen she walked into the lecture theatre.
R: Later she walks in i will tell u.
Mi: Wad if she walked in from the entrance behind us?
R: Duno leh. If she walks from behind, den we turn and see loh!!
Mi: Lidat not obvious meh? Later she tot we 2 perverts.
R: Aiyo.. Den we secretly take photos of her lo.
Mi: Ya hor!! Good idea!!
Den we 2 began to play with our hp cam, trying to make sure the shutter sound will not be too loud. Actualli in front of us got a grp of gers.. Tink they heard everything and the ka-cha ka-cha shutter sound when im trying to see which shutter sound is the softest =.=
R: Ehz.. later if u take liao send mi hor.
Mi: Okok!!
After the lecture started, she really walked in from the back entrance. =.= Ryan very pro lo, i din even noe that she walked in from the back. Sian.. den i kip my hp and listened to lecture.
After the lecture ended, hehehe.. I took out my hp and switched to VIDEO MODE!! And i turned and faced her, wanted to fake fake pack bag and take video.
Take video of her face ar.. Dun tink of other ting okay..
So i looked at her and turned out she looked at mi =.= So we 2 stared at each other for 2-3 seconds. Den i faster turned away and packed bag. Dun dare to take video of her cos i scared later she slapped me. =.=
I very shi bai hor.. Anyway.. she looked not bad la. ^^
Wen we walked out from the LT.
R: Got take her pic?
Mi: Dun have..
R: Wah.. i see u suddenly turn back tot u so clever want to take pic sia.
Mi: Cant lo.. She stands up leh, if i want to take her pic i need to hold my hp up and towards her lo. Lidat sure tio slapped one..
R: Ok la, next time we got alot of chances oso.
Mi: Ya lo ya lo..
LoLx!! Actually, we 2 are bo liao.. so tink of taking the pic of that ger. We not pervert okay.. Its just that 2 CAs are comming, finding ways to relieve stress. Hahaha!!
"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do." || 3:44 PM