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"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do."

[-Friday, April 14, 2006-]

Post from previous entries 2

Today 1st time post a topic inside the Spore Studies Module in the ivle forum.. LoLx!! 1st time post den alreadi tok alot of cock inside.. Duno how mani pp will reply to scold mi sia.. Wahahaha!! Hope nort baH.. Below ish de details of wad i post in it.. Do read abt it. Thanks..


12/03/2005 01:21:00 PM

Academic Topics

Survival of SG in the Future?

Reading tru one reading for lecture 7 and realised that one of the most important factor resulting in present day SG's success is due to the deep "futuristic" planning by the government of PAP.

Few egs to illustrate my pts are:

1. The need to focus on the economic viability of SG after Aug 1965 which seems to be the only path to be untaken rather than Defense or Education or Housing which required finance. (Can't imagine whats the results be like if the government focus on Defense 1st.. Soldiers wearing "Salong", holding on to blunt "parang" and riding on "trishaw" to protect and maintain the sovereignity of SG against enemies of "proper uniform", "rifles" and "tanks".)

2. The language policy change (1979-1997) on the requirement to learn 2 languages which are English and Mandarin (bilingual). English as the main working language in order to survive in the global westernised world and Mandarin in order to act as a counter for us to remain rooted to our own asian identity. Also, mandarin was chosen on consideration of China which has a prospect in the future economy. (Y not trilingual?? since China n India are the 2 giants in today's East Asia economic landscape?)

3. The CPF policy which ensures that retired Sporean are not "financially dependent" on their children. Not that it is a success but at least the "load" is lighter..

4. This pt is the the last pt which i hope that can bring abt some discussions down here. (of coz, there r stil alot of other sound plannings by the PAP n it will be great if others can discuss down here oso.)

Every changes in the policy made by the government are after some future plannings. Classic egs are:

i. (1965-1979) from import substitution to export orientation. With signs of Electronic industry deciding to move offshore to cut down on wage expenses, PAP initiated by opening our door n welcoming these Trans-National Companies (TNCs) to create a niche on SG.

ii. (1980s) restructuring from low wage-labour intensive to high wage, high skilled industries in order to attract high value industries. With the gradual opening up and growing of the 2 giants in East asia, PAP realised tt in the long run, SG will not be able to compete with these 2 highly populated countries for low cost industries. Thus, for the need to attract the high value industries instead.

These 2 policies changes were highly significant in the maturing of our economy n eventually the success of SG which we have discussed abt in tutorial 3.

However, the discussion i would like to bring abt here (finally!! phew..) is whether SG will be able to SURVIVE ECONOMICALLY in the future (in terms of geographical timescale) when most of the developing countries particularly China and India, become developed just like us?

Is there a chance for us (small size and population, greying population, lack of land and resources, lack of Entrepreneurs, local TNCs, etc..) at all if that day do arrive? Or the SG we known of (also a global brand name by itself) will be lost just like other great history of dynasties which had thrived, flourished and eventually their downfall?

I can't really c what's the future be like for SG in the future (anyone?? ) but one thing i do know for sure is that even "IF" SG does become "extinct" in the future, im still proud of SG. Future generations of the world will stil know the existance of such a "Great City" in the past through history textbooks. "The Lost City: Singapore", "The Great SG City" (Mayb??)

Hope to hear some views.


Remark: owner edited this posting on 12/03/2005 1:22 PM

"Never ask why i love you, just accept that i do." || 11:04 AM

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